Apollo and Daphne

The Heavenly Bodies-Professional Criticism

The Fifth Sun

The Monomyth-Professional Criticism





The Creation Odin, Vili, and Ve

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Apollo and Daphne


Daphne was Apollo's first love whose love was brought about by the malice of a Cupid. Apollo saw the Cupid playing with weapons he did not think the Cupid was worthy of playing with, so he told him to leave them be. Venus's boy overheard these harsh words and told Apollo that even though his arrows could strike all things, he has the ability to strike him. So, he drew two arrows. He drew one to excite love, and the other to repel it. Next, he struck Apollo through the heart so that he would fall in love and he struck Daphne so that she would repel love. Apollo loves her so deeply, but Daphne and her charm repel him as well as all of love. It turns out that the power of Daphne's charm creates a fear of love which is deep. So, she begs to her father, the river god, that her physica! form be changed. And at that moment she was changed into a tree. Since she could now never be Apollo's wife, he decorated himselfwith pieces ofthe tree, pieces of her. Out of his love, he granted Daphne, the tree, eternal youth. Out of acknowledgment, the tree bowed for to hin Apollo became well recognized, even though he could not get the love of Daphne, his fame grew.


The Fifth Sun

The Fifih Sun was created when the god Nanahuatzin hurled himself into a blazing fire and was transformed into the rising sun. At first, the god was motionless and the other gods sacrificed their blood to grant him celestial motion. Because offbis, the fih world era is known as "Four-Movement". Through this, the myth that only through sacrifice could the life ofthe universe be extended was brought about. This was only temporary because eventually The Fifih Sun would be destroyed by earthquakes.



Huitsilopochtli, "13lue Hummingbird on the Left", was the Aztec god ofthe sun and of war. He was depicted as a blue man fully armed with his head decorated with hummingbird feathers. His mother, Coatlicue, was magically impregnated when a ball offeathers fell from the heaven and touched her breast. The four hundred star brothers and sisters of Huitz;ilopochtli thought that their mother had dishonored them with her mysterious pregnancy. One sister, Coyolxauhqui, insisted on killing their mother; however, Huitilopochtli sprang out of his mother as an adult, fully armed and slew his siblings. He became so violent, that he threw Coyolxauhqui's head into the sky and it became the moon.




Freyr was one of the Scandinavian earth deities, but was also associated with the sun, as a source offertility. One of his symbols was a golden boar that traveled through the sky and the underworld, as the sun was said to do. One myth refers the his wooing of Gerd. Gerd was the goddess who hved underground and who agreed to many him only because her refusal would have caused famine and sterility ofthe earth. If she married himb the gifi offertility could be guaranteed.


The Creation

Odin, Vili, and Ve

The Sons of Bor, Odin, Vili, and ve, created the first man and woman, Night and Day, and Moon and sun. While walking along the shore, they noticed two uprooted trees. They raised the two roots, one of the ash, one of the elm, and by doing so they created the first woman and the first man. Each of the sons offered a gift; Odin offered the spirit of life, Vili offered sharp wits and feeling, and ve granted the gift of hearing and sight. Through these two people everyone was created and related to one another. Through the generations, Night was torn who had a son, Day. Next, a man had a girl, sun, and a toy, Moon. Night, Day, Moon, and Sun were all set into the sky. Eventually, the sons of Bpr remembered that maggots had squirmed over the earth. So, they gave the maggots the shape of man and made them live under the hills. This is how life was created on Earth.


Professional Criticism

The Heavenly Bodies


Celestial todies repeatedly occur in myths. These todies generally appear as living beings, variously divine, human, or animal. Most commonly the sun appears to be male, although it can also be female. An example of this would be the goddess Amaterasu in Japan. on the other hand, the moon is most commonly female. once again, it can appear to be male. The sun and the moon most commonly appear to be brother and sister playing an incestuous role. Along with the sun and the moon, certain groupings of stars have also been personalized throughout mythology. Well-recognized constellations include ursa Major and the Big Dipper. These celestial todies have been seen a numerous amount of times.


Professional Criticism

The Monomyth

The idea of the creation of the heavens and the role of the sun repeat itself throughout mythology. The dome of heaven ls said to lie on the quarters of the earth. It is usually supported lay four caryatidal kings: dwarfs, giants, elephants, or turtles. This is now the importance of the mathematical problem of the quadrature of the circle. This circle holds the secret of the transformation of heavenly objects into earthly forms. In this secret, the sun acts as the door where souls pass through, back from time to eternity. Through this we perceive the sun to be the nourisher of mankind, the circulation of continuous energy. Symbolical suggestion shines through each of the sunfs messages. The heavens and the sun show themselves over time in a symbolic fashion.



Through reading several myths on sun Gous, I was able to oUserve a general theme. The five myths I have read involved, Freer, Apollo and Daptne, Huitzilopochtli, Odin, Villi, and ve, and The Fifth sun. In each of these myths I have noticed that an event takes place, usually involving human morals, to prove a point, or help society, which is deeper than the actual story. In the myth involving Freer, Gerd allows further human creation to occur since she agreed to marry Freyr. Therefore, fertility amongst the world was guaranteed. Apollo and Daphne teach the lesson that even though one may fail, if he puts his heart into his goal and is loyal, he has done the ioD well, better than if he had cheated and won. Huitzilopochtli does the moral thing and protected his mother against his hypocritical siblings. odin, Vili, and ve, after creating life, remember the tiny living organisms and grant them human form, to be as unique as humans. Finally, The Fifth sun teaches us that in order for great things to turn out, sacrifices have to be made. Along with these guidelines that we still live by today occurring in the myths, I was also able to notice the elements recurring in the myths. In each myth, fire, air, water, or earth was mentioned to prove a point or to be looked upon as godly. Also, there often tends to be a doomed love. Through the myths with the Sun Gods I was able to find basic trends and similarities.



By reading several myths pertaining to the sun GodS, I was able to observe a few differences among them. In each myth. a moral lesson has been brought across, but each time the protagonist was a different deity. The protagonist also did not always pertain to the sun or the heavens. Generally, there were theories mentioned to how the universe was created. These theories do not always fit together and compliment one another; they sometimes even contradict one another. I was definitely able to find more similarities than differences. Yet. there were a few differences in the sun Gods' myths.



Good Links to Non-mythology Stuff


http://members,aol,com/AMIKA21/AmyLandLaLa,html - Here's a great link to Amy's page, It has crazy random stuff about us.

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http://www.egr.msu/~kaczmar2/sarah.html - If you are a fan of Sarah McLachan. this is the best page, Check out her lyrics. touring info. pictures. and much more,

http://www.queendom.com/test_frm.html Do you love those bizarre mind game? Check out this page if you have some free time!

www.onlinepsych.com If you have some free time and are looking for an accurate personality test. check this link out,

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